Disease and Treatment

Disease and Treatment

gout on wooden boxes

“Gout” The disease of kings?! & Tips to prevent further attacks

Historically, Gout was called the “disease of kings” because they were more likely to have it, due to their eating habits! So, what’s gout? Gout is a common type of arthritis, in which small crystals of uric acid are formed in the body fluids, tissues & joints usually the big toe joint, these crystals are formed as a result of hyperuricemia (high uric acid level). Surprisingly, not all patients with hyperuricemia suffer from gout! Sometimes gout symptoms get worse suddenly & flares happen followed by a long period of remission. Symptoms may include: Severe pain Swelling Redness Heat Factors that increase the risk of getting gout Obesity Having certain health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes & poor kidney function Taking certain medications, such as diuretics. Eating or drinking high fructose foods or drinks. Following high purines diet by eating too much red meat, salmon & tuna. Treatment Usually, there is no need to treat hyperuricemia if you don’t have gout symptoms. Treatment is used to relieve symptoms during gout attacks or to prevent further ones, treatment options may include: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Corticosteroids Colchicine Medicines that help in lowering uric acid in the blood How can you prevent further gout attacks? Suddenly, lifestyle changes can help you manage the symptoms Eat a healthy, balanced diet & avoid foods high in purines. Exercise 150 minutes weekly including walking & cycling. Visit your doctor regularly. Weight loss, since achieving and maintaining weight may lead to weight loss.

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vitamin D written with wooden blocks

Vitamin D and bone health… What is the relationship?!

You’ve probably heard a lot about vitamin D’s function in strengthening your immunity and protecting you from illnesses during the last year, but is that all it does? Actually, no, as vitamin D plays a role in promoting your overall health thus, vitamin D deficiency may affect your health & the activities you do since it protects you from many diseases & regulates calcium & phosphate in the body to maintain healthy bones, teeth & muscles. Despite all of Vitamin D’s surprising benefits, we are going to focus on its role in maintaining healthy bone. Vitamin D is essential for good bone health. People with vitamin D deficiency have a higher risk of osteoporosis, therefore they are more likely to have bone fractures. Are you vulnerable to vitamin D deficiency? Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin”, which explains why you are more likely to have a vitamin D deficiency if you do not get enough sunlight, and of course, this possibility increased after working from home. However, it is recommended to take vitamin D daily throughout the year if you: Spend most of your time at home. Wear clothes that cover most of your skin when you go out. Are African or South Asian, your body may not make enough vitamin D from sunlight. Vitamin D sources Exposure to sunlight, helps your body make vitamin D. Eating foods rich in vitamin D such as red meat & salmon. Taking vitamin D supplements daily such as Provita D 3 tablets. Visiting Health and Style Medical Center where they offer free vitamin D injections.

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athlete, start running

Manage athlete’s foot & tips for prevention

Athlete’s foot or tinea pedis is a fungal infection of the feet, that can affect anyone! but athletes are more vulnerable to have it since their feet are usually sweaty & damp which encourages tinea pedis to grow. Symptoms of tinea pedis include: Redness Cracked skin Stinging Itching Symptoms usually appear between the toes. 9 tips for athlete’s foot Dry your feet, especially between toes. Use a separate towel for your feet. Take your shoes off when you are at home. Wear cotton socks & change them every day. Avoid rubbing or scratching the affected skin to avoid transmission of infection. Don’t walk barefoot in public areas like swimming pools. Don’t share towels, socks, or shoes. Avoid wearing the same shoes for more than two days in a row. Wear breathable shoes. Treatment Tinea pedis treatment usually takes two weeks, and you can seek the help of a pharmacist to prescribe the appropriate medications. But you will need to see a doctor if: You do not feel better after using the treatment prescribed by the pharmacist. Your foot is red and painful. You have diabetes. You have had an organ transplant or are undergoing chemotherapy. Protection Tinea pedis can be prevented by taking simple steps such as: Wash your feet daily with soap & water then dry them well, especially between the toes. Wear flip-flops in public bathrooms. Use talcum powder to reduce sweating. Wear breathable shoes. Change shoes & socks regularly.

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ankle-mar-lopes, athlete suffering from foot pain

Ankle Sprain: Types, Symptoms, Assessment, and Treatment

An ankle sprain is a common injury that occurs when one or more ligaments on your ankle are overstretched or twisted. Any awkward twists or turns may lead to abnormal joint stresses that may cause a sprain or ligament damage as severe as a tear. The ligaments that surround your ankle hold your bones together. Why Ankle Sprain? It is most common in people who perform sports activities. All ligaments in your ankle have a certain extent up to which they can move to protect your joints. It causes a sprain when those ligaments are forced to move out of their limits. The major ligaments of the ankle are the anterior tibiofibular ligament, the lateral collateral ligaments, and the deltoid ligaments. There are mainly two types of ankle sprain such as medial ligament injury and lateral ligament injury. A medial ankle sprain occurs when the deltoid ligament on the inside of the ankle joint is stretched too far. The medial ankle ligaments are sturdy structures on the side of the ankle joint. Based on the severity of the twists or injury, sprains have been classified as mild, moderate, and severe. It is a rare type of ankle injury as the medial ligaments are strong. However, it will take more time to heal than other ankle sprains. The majority of the ankle sprains are lateral ligament injuries, also known as inversion injuries. Your foot forcefully twists inward and the ligaments are torn due to the rapid shift. This type of injury is most common in sports stars, athletes, and martial artists. They are also prone to chronic ankle sprains as the history of previous injuries and poor care are the main risk factors. Other risk factors include: Repeated stretching of ligaments due to daily activities Sports activities Poor or incorrectly fitted footwear High Heels Walking through risky surfaces Poor physical strength Any actions or falls that causes your ankle to move out of its normal position When to see the doctor? : Signs & Symptoms The primary symptom of an ankle sprain is obvious pain and swelling in the ankle. Putting pressure on your ankle with movement or placing weight will be painful and it may spread around the whole ankle. The signs and symptoms include: Tenderness and bruising Difficulty or uneasiness in movements Stiffness on the affected foot Instability in walking How can I treat Ankle Sprain? : Treatment options Treatment options need to be decided on the basis of the severity of injuries on your ankle. Surgeries are not required in most cases unless ligaments are torn completely. Initial Assessment – In this step, the doctor will conduct a physical examination to study the signs and symptoms. It will be helpful in understanding the severity of the symptoms and injury. The doctor may also use an X-Ray, MRI Scan, or Ultrasound Scan during the initial assessment. Treatment – The doctor will first educate you on your particular injury and how to manage this. He uses conservative treatments methods include: Ice treatment – helps to reduce inflammation in the affected area. Complete foot care measures – educate you about home treatments and care. Suggest the best shoes and suitable Moon Boots as per your condition. Help with physiotherapy Prescribe non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain. Other options to reduce activity and limit motions Do the regular assessment According to studies, more than 90% of ankle sprains are treated without surgery. However, the duration of the treatments may vary depends on the type of symptoms and injury. WE HELP YOU STAND ON YOUR FEET Health & Style Medical Centre, the first private podiatry practice in Abu Dhabi, aspire to provide the most up to date knowledge and understanding of the lower limb whilst delivering world-class service to our patients with the aid of state of the art Podiatry equipment. HSMC will do the most effective and advanced treatment for ankle sprains. Click – https://hsmc.me/                 

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diabetic-foot-care, podiatrist, podiatry

Comprehensive diabetic foot screening and foot care

Comprehensive diabetic foot screening and foot care Foot problems are a critical cause of morbidity in patients with diabetes. Research shows the lifetime chance of a foot ulcer for patients with type 1 or 2 diabetes is very high. A possibly preventable starting event, most regularly minor injury that causes cutaneous damage, can frequently be identified. These perceptions outline the significance of frequent assessment of the feet in patients with diabetes to recognize those at risk for foot ulceration. According to studies, efficient screening examinations for neuropathic and vascular involvement of the lower limits and cautious review of feet may considerably diminish morbidity from foot problems. Risk Factors Screening of foot in diabetes is a fundamental portion of the examination carried out by the Podiatry Division. The point of this examination is to decide any risk factors as early as possible. The risk of ulcers or amputations is increased in individuals who have the following risk factors: Previous amputation Previous incident of foot ulcer Peripheral neuropathy Foot deformities Poor glycemic control Cigarette smoking Diabetic kidney disease (especially patients on dialysis) Visual impairment Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) Pre-ulcerative callus or corn   How does diabetic foot screening work? A diabetic foot exam thoroughly examines the foot health issues in diabetic patients. The issues incorporate infection, injury, and bone abnormalities. Nerve damage and poor blood circulation are the most common causes of diabetic foot issues. It is strongly recommended that individuals with diabetes must do a foot exam at least once a year. You’ll require an exam more regularly in the event that your feet have any of the indications like Tingling, Numbness, Pain, Burning sensation, Swelling, and walking difficulty. A diabetic foot exam is usually being done by a podiatrist. A foot doctor who specializes in keeping feet healthy and treating diseases of the feet is known as a podiatrist. The exam usually includes a few step-by-step assessments. General assessment: Try to know your health history and any problems you’ve had with your feet in the past. Ask questions about your footwear as shoes that don’t fit well or uncomfortable can lead to foot health problems. Dermatological assessment: This is mainly to check for various skin problems such as dry skin, cracking, calluses, blisters, and ulcers. Examines cracked toenail or fungal infection and a thorough fungal infection check will be done between the toes. Neurological assessments:  Consist of four other tests such as Monofilament test, Tuning fork and visual perception test (VPT), Pinprick test, and Ankle reflexes test. Monofilament test will check the touch sensitivity of your foot whereas VPT uses a tuning fork against your foot to see if you can feel the vibration. Pinprick test uses a small pin to poke the bottom of your foot to see if you can feel it. During Ankle reflexes test, your reflexes will be tested by tapping your foot with a small reflex hammer. Musculoskeletal assessment: Examines the shape and structure of your foot and it helps in identifying any abnormalities. Vascular assessment: It aims to check the proper blood circulation. Doppler ultrasound imaging technology is used to test the blood flow if you have symptoms of poor circulation. Is there anything more to know? You don’t require any exclusive preparations for a diabetic foot screening. It is always risk-free to have a diabetic foot exam. If a problem is found, the podiatrist will likely recommend more frequent testing. Other treatments may include antibiotics for foot infections and surgery to help with bone deformities. Though there is no treatment for foot nerve damage, there are treatments that can relieve pain and improve function like skincare creams and physiotherapy. Diabetic patients are always prone to a serious risk of foot health. However, you can keep your feet healthy to some extend with caring. Always take care of your diabetes and try to keep your blood sugar normal level. It is strongly recommended to do a foot exam at least once a year and increase the frequency of screening if you or your doctor finds a problem. Observe your feet every day to check for any new issues like wounds, sores, ulcers, toenail cracks, and other changes in your feet. This is always helpful to find and address problems early. Keep your feet neat and clean and wearing shoes and socks at all times is advisable. Do not use shoes that are uncomfortable and unfit. Trim your toenails regularly and gently smooth nail edges. Keep your feet away from excess heat and cold. Aware of good blood circulation and let the blood flowing to your feet. You can choose to put your feet up when sitting. Say a big NO to cigarette smoking as it reduces blood flow to the feet and causes slow healing of wounds. All patients with diabetes and particularly those with high-risk foot conditions and their families should be provided general education about risk factors and appropriate management. Always remember: Inspect and wash your feet daily Carefully trim nails Wear properly fitting shoes and don’t go barefoot Manage diabetics by having good diet, right exercising, monitoring blood sugar and regularly taking your medications. If you do notice any sores on your feet, see your health care provider as soon as possible. WE HELP YOU STAND ON YOUR FEET Health & Style Medical Centre, the first private podiatry practice in Abu Dhabi, aspire to provide the most up to date knowledge and understanding of the lower limb whilst delivering world class service to our patients with the aid of state of the art Podiatry equipment. HSMC will do most effective and advanced diabetic foot screening. Click – https://hsmc.me/     https://hsmc.me/contact-us/  

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Gout pain, Achilles

Gout Pain Causes & Treatment

What is Gout? Gout is one kind on inflammatory arthritis which is caused by a buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints which is caused by too much uric acid in the blood. It causes a sudden burning sensation with pain, stiffness and swelling in a joint. These attacks may keep reoccurring until and unless it is treated. Causes of Gout As mentioned above, Gout is mainly caused because of excessive uric acid in the blood. Uric acid comes from purines, a chemical compound found mainly in high protein foods, such as meat, poultry and seafood. Uric acid generally is dissolved in blood and is excreted from the body in urine via the kidneys. But if too much uric acid is produced and blood is not able to dissolve it or if not enough uric acid is excreted from the body, it can build up needle like crystals which sometimes is found in joints. There are few factors which increase the probability of Gout, these are, Age and Gender: Since men produce more uric acid than women, it is more likely to be seen in men. However after menopause women also might reach the same level of uric acid. Genetics: A family which has a history of Gout is more likely to reappear in future generation. Food and Beverage choice: Too much alcohol consumption disrupts the excretion of uric acid from the body. Also consumption of food which have more purine might also increase the amount of uric acid in the body. Lead Exposure: Chronic lead exposure might also be linked to Gout sometimes. Medication: There are few medicines which increases the level of uric acid in the body. Therefore consult with your doctor before taking any medicine. Weight: More the weight, more is the production of uric acid in the body and thus more is the probability of having a Gout. Kidney problems: Sometimes because of some kidney problems there can be a disruption in the excretion of uric acid. Treatment of Gout As they always say, prevention is better than cure, here we will first discuss about preventive measures and then talk about Treatment. Prevention of Gout: Water consumption: Maintain a high fluid intake and consume at least 2-4 liters of water every day. Food and beverage: Don’t consume too much alcohol regularly. Also consume meat, poultry and seafood only to a certain extent. Here’s a list of food which contain high purine.  Anchovies  Asparagus  Beef kidneys  Brains  Dried beans and peas  Game meats  Gravy  Herring  Liver  Mackerel  Mushrooms  Sardines  Scallops  Sweetbreads. Weight: Maintain a healthy body weight and automatically that will control your uric acid production in the body. Gout Pain Relief Treatment: In case if you are already attacked by Gout, there’s no other way but to go through proper treatment. Most common medicines are NSAIDs, colchicine or corticosteroids. These medicines are taken to reduce inflammation and reduce pain. These medicines are taken orally. To prevent future attack, your doctor might also prescribe some medicines which will reduce uric acid build up in your blood. Read More: Heel Pain Causes & Treatments Neuroma: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Heel Spur Feet – Causes and Treatment

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Few Interesting Things to know about Ageing Feet

Ageing has many effects on our body and that is true for our feet as well. As we get older, we tend to develop more problems with our feet. Few Changes to our Feet Fat reduction As we grow older, we lose fat from fat pads from our feet. Which is why older person feel more pain while walking or standing. Less fat means less cushioning and therefore more pain. Arthritis Feet has more than 30 joints which degenerate with age resulting pain and stiffness. Toes curl up This is more common with women than men. Women, who have been wearing high heels might face this problem as they get older. Circulation slows Aging might also affect the blood flow to your feet which results in less healing power for any cut and a damaged nervous system, which is why sometimes older people are not even aware of any infection to their feet. Ligaments stretch With age ligaments sometime stretches which results in arch pain and flat foot. Skin dryness And this is the most common problem faced by old people. With age their feet skin get dried out. How to prevent these problems Exercise Keeping active and doing some light exercise for your feet keeps your feet healthy. Footwear A good footwear keeps your feet healthy. While choosing your footwear few things should be kept in mind: • Don’t wear high heel shoes • Avoid Plastic easy clean uppers. These kind of footwear don’t let your feet breathe. • Wear shoes which have cushioning or shock absorber soles • Check if your heel is firmly held inside your shoes • Wear shoes which have a fastening system Treating Ageing Feet If you are suffering from any diseases like diabetics or vein diseases or any other disease which is more common with older people, don’t ignore and consult with doctor and take proper medications. If you are suffering from any of the problems mentioned above or anything else not covered here but related with ageing feet, do consult with our podiatrist or feel free to reach us. Many a times feet related issues would not just go away on its own, and it is not a good idea to ignore them. You should take proper treatment to resolve them.

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Neuroma-Treatment, varicose veins

Neuroma: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

What is Neuroma? A neuroma is mostly benign i.e non-cancerous in nature. A neuroma is an overgrowth of tumor or nerve tissue, however it is often painful and occurs mostly between third and the fourth toes. Neuroma is more painful while walking and the only way to stop the pain at that moment is to stop walking at that time. This means that a neuroma can be major hindrance while walking. The pain felt is often described by patients as having a stone in between their feet. The pain is accompanied by a burning sensation or mere numbness in the area. Causes of Neuroma: Neuromas are commonly found in women. The exact cause for this condition is unknown. Yet the major factors contributing to the formation of a neuroma can be: Pressure, stress or trauma can lead to inflammation of a nerve tissue. Improper shoes like pointed toe shoes and high heels can increase the pressure at the forefoot area. Pointed shoes can squeeze the toes in a problematic fashion. Natural deformities like flat foot or high arched foot again can lead to the formation of a neuroma. How to Treat Neuroma: The best way to never develop a neuroma is to wear proper shoes. It is always a good idea to wear roomy shoes. Avoid high heels. Actually shoes that are flat should be a choice for you to avoid not only the growth of neuromas but it can actually keep many other hoot problems at bay. It’s best to see your podiatrist immediately, if you are already affected with a neuroma. Neuromas can cause excruciating pain if left untreated. Wearing orthotic insoles and over the counter shoe pads always prove helpful. To relieve the pain immediately try massaging the area gently and put an ice pack. Never ever use a heating pad, this might alleviate the swelling. The severity of the neuroma determines the mode of treatment. If detected early, then there is low chance that surgery will be done. But if has turned into a full-fledged tumor then surgical removal of it is the only way out. When detected early chances are that the problem will get resolved on its own provided pressure is relieved from the affected area. Anti-inflammatory drugs and cortisone injections are prescribed to relieve the acute pain. Surgery entails removal of inflamed and enlarged nerve. It may take a few weeks to completely recover post the operation. If these neuroma foot solution can’t help you, talk to our podiatric surgeon. We can assure the best treatment for you in UAE!

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Heel Spurs

Heel Spur Feet – Causes and Treatment

What is Heel Spur? If you have read our last article about plantar fasciitis, you would know this is one of the most common foot pain people face in their life. Many people who have plantar fasciitis have also encountered with heel spur. Heel spur is again one of most commonly found problems found in foot and it affects as good as 10% of the population. Though all of them do not feel the pain and only half of them face the pain due to heel spur. Though this syndrome is more common among people who are older than 40 years but can be found at any age. Heel spur is the bony outgrow of the heel bone, better known as Calcaneus. Because of this people feel pain at certain areas of their feet. Let’s discuss about different causes of heel spurs. Causes of Heel Spurs The root is deposit of calcium on the underside of heel bone. There are multiple reason behind this deposit, which are, Strain on foot muscles or ligaments Stretching of plantar fascia Repeated tearing of the membrane covering heel bone There are few actions which might increase the possibility of heel spur, for example, If you are overweight If you are running or jogging on hard surface If you are standing or walking for a long time Bad shoes which do not provide good support to your arch If you have flat feet or high arch and you are not taking proper actions to resolve them If you are suffering from diabetes Age. The reason heel spur is more common among older people is, as you age, your plantar fascia tend to lose its flexibility which thins the heels’ protective fat pad. Natural Treatment of Heel Spur: Non-surgical Treatment: If you have read our Plantar Fasciitis article, you are almost there. All measures mentioned in that article is almost same here. Rest & exercise: take proper rest. Don’t put too much pressure on the feet. But though you can definitely do some exercise which will benefit you. Exercises like calf stretch or plantar fascia stretch will also help when it comes to heel spur. Ice: Do apply ice on your feet 3-4 times a day. Keep rolling the ice on the feet rather than keeping it at one place. Orthotic shoe insert: You can also insert an orthotic shoe insert in your shoes, this will give you some relief. Even after continuing these your pain is not reduced (which is very unlikely), then only go for surgery. Do consult with your doctor or with us before that. Surgical Treatment of Heel Spur: 90% people get cure by non-surgical treatment but if you still feel the pain, you need to go through surgery. Do contact us for any such situation. The surgery for heel spurs are mainly of two types, Release of Plantar fascia Release of the spur Though this might be a little expensive but will give you quick relief.

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Plantar-Fasciitis, Achilles tendon

Plantar Fasciitis – Causes and Treatments

What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common heel pains. Plantar Fasciitis is basically inflammation of Plantar Fascia which is strong band of tissue, pretty much similar to a ligament. Follow the picture below for better understanding. This is a very common problem among athletes all around the world but not so uncommon among common people as well. Believe it or not every month a million people search online about Plantar Fasciitis which proves it’s a major problem for many people. 10% people have this disorder at some point of their life and many of them are not aware of this. Causes of Plantar Fasciitis Let’s come straight to the point. You would want to know the probable cause of Plantar Fasciitis so that you can stay away from this. In a nutshell whatever stretches your Plantar Fascia can be the root cause of Plantar Fasciitis. For example, If you run, walk on a hard surface for a long time (if you jog every morning on a hard surface, you might want to recheck with your podiatrist). If you are suffering from flat feet. Not sure what this is? Read this article of ours. If you are overweight which means you might be putting too much pressure on your foot. You wear shoes which are not comfortable and do not provide proper arch support. If you have a tight Achilles tendon. What is this, check the photo below Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis So this can be divided in two parts, these are Non-surgical treatment and surgical treatment. Natural Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis Rest: Take proper rest. Stop doing activities which increases the pain. You might want to stop running for few days. But this doesn’t mean you should sit idle, there are few exercise which you should do in order to get rid of the problem Calf stretch: Follow the position of the photo below. Now push your hips to the wall but in a controlled manner. Try to hold it for 10 seconds. Repeat this 20 times for each foot. Plantar fascia stretch: Follow the position of the photo below. Now try to pull down your toe in a controlled manner. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Now repeat 20 times for each foot. Apart from these two there are several other exercises for Plantar Fasciitis. Some are given below Apply ice to your feet. This can be done 3-4 times a day. Try to roll the ice on the feet instead of keeping it fixed. Medication: There are certain medicines and steroids available for the pain and inflammation. But we would recommend that you talk to your doctor first before taking them. Feel free to contact us. Shoes: Try wearing shoes which will support your arch. If confused you can talk to your podiatrist, else you can contact us. Surgical Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis: Surgery is only recommended when your pain has not eased even after 12 months of treatment. If you are facing such issue feel free to reach out to us. There are mainly two kind of surgeries performed which are, Gastrocnemius recession Plantar fascia release Though surgeries are proved to give good results but in some cases there can be certain nerve damage problem.

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The Abu Dhabi Podiatry heel pain Clinic  at Health and style Medical Center renders services to frequent patients per year. In Abu Dhabi Podiatry Clinic Diabetic foot care and general preventative care services are emphasized in the clinic while special procedures including nail and skin reconstruction are also available.

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