June 16, 2021

16 June 2021

gout on wooden boxes

“Gout” The disease of kings?! & Tips to prevent further attacks

Historically, Gout was called the “disease of kings” because they were more likely to have it, due to their eating habits! So, what’s gout? Gout is a common type of arthritis, in which small crystals of uric acid are formed in the body fluids, tissues & joints usually the big toe joint, these crystals are formed as a result of hyperuricemia (high uric acid level). Surprisingly, not all patients with hyperuricemia suffer from gout! Sometimes gout symptoms get worse suddenly & flares happen followed by a long period of remission. Symptoms may include: Severe pain Swelling Redness Heat Factors that increase the risk of getting gout Obesity Having certain health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes & poor kidney function Taking certain medications, such as diuretics. Eating or drinking high fructose foods or drinks. Following high purines diet by eating too much red meat, salmon & tuna. Treatment Usually, there is no need to treat hyperuricemia if you don’t have gout symptoms. Treatment is used to relieve symptoms during gout attacks or to prevent further ones, treatment options may include: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Corticosteroids Colchicine Medicines that help in lowering uric acid in the blood How can you prevent further gout attacks? Suddenly, lifestyle changes can help you manage the symptoms Eat a healthy, balanced diet & avoid foods high in purines. Exercise 150 minutes weekly including walking & cycling. Visit your doctor regularly. Weight loss, since achieving and maintaining weight may lead to weight loss.

“Gout” The disease of kings?! & Tips to prevent further attacks Read More »

vitamin D written with wooden blocks

Vitamin D and bone health… What is the relationship?!

You’ve probably heard a lot about vitamin D’s function in strengthening your immunity and protecting you from illnesses during the last year, but is that all it does? Actually, no, as vitamin D plays a role in promoting your overall health thus, vitamin D deficiency may affect your health & the activities you do since it protects you from many diseases & regulates calcium & phosphate in the body to maintain healthy bones, teeth & muscles. Despite all of Vitamin D’s surprising benefits, we are going to focus on its role in maintaining healthy bone. Vitamin D is essential for good bone health. People with vitamin D deficiency have a higher risk of osteoporosis, therefore they are more likely to have bone fractures. Are you vulnerable to vitamin D deficiency? Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin”, which explains why you are more likely to have a vitamin D deficiency if you do not get enough sunlight, and of course, this possibility increased after working from home. However, it is recommended to take vitamin D daily throughout the year if you: Spend most of your time at home. Wear clothes that cover most of your skin when you go out. Are African or South Asian, your body may not make enough vitamin D from sunlight. Vitamin D sources Exposure to sunlight, helps your body make vitamin D. Eating foods rich in vitamin D such as red meat & salmon. Taking vitamin D supplements daily such as Provita D 3 tablets. Visiting Health and Style Medical Center where they offer free vitamin D injections.

Vitamin D and bone health… What is the relationship?! Read More »

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The Abu Dhabi Podiatry heel pain Clinic  at Health and style Medical Center renders services to frequent patients per year. In Abu Dhabi Podiatry Clinic Diabetic foot care and general preventative care services are emphasized in the clinic while special procedures including nail and skin reconstruction are also available.

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