Alaa Hamdy

Author name: Alaa Hamdy

Millennial Arab guy in headset watching online webinar on laptop at home. Sitting too much concept.

Sitting too much! Is it dangerous?

With the development of technology and changing our lifestyles, we spend a lot of time sitting whether we are at home or work. Sitting too much is an addiction now! The majority of the routine has come to be linked with sitting. For example, we wake up in the morning, we sit down for breakfast, then we sit in the vehicle on our way to work, and then we sit at work all day before driving home and sitting on the sofa watching TV or browsing the Internet. The numbers don’t lie Do you really sit for long periods? Or it’s several times but for short periods. Let’s put that into numbers. Suppose you sleep eight hours a day and there are sixteen hours left. Often your routine includes: It takes about 45 minutes to drive to work Work at the office for 8 hours You eat lunch in 45 minutes or an hour It takes about 45 minutes to get home Eat dinner in 30 minutes Watching TV, reading or browsing the Internet and social networking sites for 3 hours The total sitting time during the day is approximately 14 hours! But what is the problem with sitting?! Sitting too much and for long periods can affect your health and research has shown that it can lead to many health problems such as: Being overweight or obese Unhealthy levels of blood sugar and type 2 diabetes. Research indicates that people who spend more time sitting have a 112% risk of developing diabetes. Increased risk of heart disease because your heart and cardiovascular system work more effectively when standing. Weakness and atrophy of the muscles of the legs. If these muscles are weak, you can hurt yourself by falling and straining when exercising. Increased risk of anxiety and depression in people who sit more. This may be because people who spend a lot of time sitting miss out on the positive effects of physical activity and fitness. But fortunately, it has been proven that if we watch TV for less than two hours a day, we can reduce the risk of developing pre-existing health problems. Exercising regularly – at least 150 minutes a week – and reducing sitting time will also help.

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Man with sandy feet relaxing on a beach. Close-up with foot. Summer foot problems

Healthy summer feet… Any advice?

Summer is here, and you may spend hours outside enjoying without stifling socks or walking barefoot on the sand. But you must take precautions to protect your feet from some of the seasonal threats. Here are some tips on how to avoid common summer foot ailments and maintain healthy summer feet. Tips for healthy summer feet 1.     Trim your toenails Use appropriate nail scissors. Cut your nails straight and don’t keep them too short to help prevent an ingrown toenail. 2.     Walk barefoot Walk barefoot or wear open-toed sandals whenever you can. But avoid walking barefoot in public places such as swimming pools, communal bathrooms and the dressing area to avoid getting athlete’s foot. If you are a diabetic patient, do not to go barefoot to avoid nicks and cuts. 3.     Avoid flip flops Slippers are easy to wear and come in a variety of styles, but avoid wearing flip-flops or sandals all summer.  They don’t provide foot support and might cause arch and heel pain if worn for an extended period of time. 4.     Change your socks daily If you have to wear socks in hot weather, don’t forget to change them at least once a day and choose socks that contain at least 70% cotton to keep your feet dry and odor prevention. 5.     Get rid of hard heel skin Hard, cracked skin around the heels is very common in summer and is often caused by open-toed sandals and flip-flops that rub around the edge of the heel. Use a foot file or a pumice stone to gently scrub hard skin, then apply a moisturizing cream to soften the skin. 6.     Take a break from nail polish Nails need to breathe from time to time so take a break from nail polish about once a month for a few days to a week. This can help prevent discoloration of your nails. 7.     Watch out for sweat Sweaty feet can be worsened by hot summer weather. If you suffer from sweaty feet in the summer, it is important to wash your feet every morning and evening with warm water and soap and dry them well. You can also use an antibacterial lotion to get rid of foot odor. 8.     Use sun cream on your feet Don’t stop at your ankles; apply sunscreen to the tops of your feet’s soles as well. Remember that not only does the skin on your feet and toes require protection, but so do your nails. If you are diabetic and have neuropathy, it may be difficult to notice that your feet are burning in the sun, so apply sunscreen regularly. These tips will definitely help you enjoy the summer and maintain healthy summer feet…

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Tired Businessman Massaging Aching Neck Having Health Problems After Computer Work Sitting At Laptop In Modern Office. Office Injuries concept

Tips for Office Injuries Prevention

For many of us, our homes served as our workplace for a while, but that is no longer the case, and most of us are back to the office. Many people had medical issues due to office injuries. This emphasized the need of choosing a good workplace and sitting in the proper postures. Surprisingly, this is not restricted to working from home; you might have the same medical problems while working in an office! Let’s start with some simple tips and changes to your workplace. Setting up your workspace When choosing a desk or table, make sure you leave enough space for your feet so that you can sit comfortably. Make sure your laptop screen is at the same height as your eye. If not, you can put your laptop on some books. Use a separate keyboard and mouse, if possible, and place them directly in front of you to avoid bending the wrists. Place a pillow or hand towel rolled up in the lower back to provide adequate support for the spine. But if your seat is too low, sit on a cushion to raise the seat. Avoid sitting or standing for a long time and change your position every few minutes. Do not sit on the sofa or in a lounge chair with the laptop on your lap because this gives you a false sense of comfort and you will not move as much as you should. Rest your eyes every 20 minutes and look away for 20 seconds. Set an alarm to remind you to move, stretch, and change positions at regular intervals throughout the day. How to avoid office injuries? Always look straight ahead, not down. Keep your ears at the same vertical level as your shoulders. Take regular breaks away from screens. Keep your shoulders relaxed and down. Ensure that the backrest is fully positioned. Keep your elbows and forearms at the same level as the desktop. Keep your elbows and forearms at the same level as the desktop, your thighs parallel to the floor, knees slightly lower than your hips, and your feet flat on the floor.

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Sitting with little room to move might cause many foot problems. If you want to take a flight soon, read this article for healthy foot during air travel.

Healthy foot during air travel! Any tips?

Finally, the holidays are nearing, with flights heading for a different summer vacation or going home to spend more time with family and friends. However, foot troubles might ruin this vacation! This is when good planning comes into play; most of these problems can be avoided. All you have to do is read this article to learn more about healthy Foot during air travel and enjoy your long-awaited vacation. What are the most common foot problems? Knowing the most prevalent issues and how to prevent them is an important aspect of healthy foot during air travel. Swollen feet It is a non-serious condition that happens as a result of keeping your feet on the ground for an extended period and not elevating your feet during the trip, causing fluid to accumulate in the leg veins and increasing pressure on the leg veins. Most of the time, swelling of the feet is not a serious problem but while if it persists for several hours even after resuming activity, it may be due to a more serious condition. Also, if you suffer from swelling in only one leg with leg pain, seek immediate medical attention. Any advice? Yes, some simple steps can help reduce swelling of the feet during the flight, such as: Wearing loose-fitting clothes to avoid increasing pressure on the veins. Walking around for a short period of time every hour or so -if you can-. Bending and extending frequently your ankles and knees while sitting. Changing your position as much as possible. Drinking plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Avoiding alcohol and sedatives that may make you sleepy or unsteady while walking around the cabin. Blood clots Unfortunately, this case is serious and life-threatening unlike the previous one! The risk of developing DVT increases when traveling for long distances (more than 4 hours) due to the formation of a blood clot in a large vein. But the danger does not stop here, as part of the clot may travel to the lungs, causing a sudden blockage of the arteries in the lung! Although it is a rare condition, it can be fatal, so you must understand what causes it, how to know if you are at risk, and what steps you can take to prevent it. Who is most vulnerable to infection? Most people who develop travel-related DVT have other factors that increase their risk of DVT including the following: A previous blood clot A family history of blood clots Recent surgery, hospitalization, or injury Use of contraceptives containing estrogen or hormone replacement therapy Current or recent pregnancy Aging Obesity Active cancer or undergoing chemotherapy Prevention tips? You can follow the following tips to help you prevent DVT when traveling long distances. These steps include: Walk around the cabin from time to time, choosing an aisle seat to get up and walk around every 2-3 hours. If you’re traveling by car, include breaks in your travel schedule to stretch and walk around. Stretch your feet while sitting and try these exercises the next time you travel: Raise and lower your heels while keeping your toes on the ground. Raise and lower your toes while keeping your heels on the ground. If you are traveling long distances and at risk of developing DVT, you should consult your doctor about taking extra precautions such as wearing appropriate medical compression stockings and taking medications before traveling to prevent blood clots. Take care of your feet and pay attention to flight foot health in your next flight.

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Anyone can fall, but the elderly are more likely to. Falls can cause serious injuries. That’s why fall prevention strategies are crucial.

Fall prevention! Any tips that can help?

You might think that falling is not a big problem that needs steps and tips to avoid, but numbers have another opinion; nearly 36 million falls occur among the elderly every year, and a large number of them need treatment in emergency departments and may cause death! That’s why the need for fall prevention tips is rising. What are the factors that increase the risk of falling? Certainly, some factors can greatly affect our balance and increase the risk, such as: Your general health. Deformities in the foot. Foot pain because it is difficult to walk swollen or injured feet. Wearing ill-fitting or worn-out shoes may make you more prone to slipping or tripping. Getting old! Because it can change the shape of our feet and cause losing some of their flexibility, change the way we walk and affect our balance. Tips to prevent falls Yes, fall prevention needs special care and can be done through the following tips Taking care of your feet Consult a podiatrist at Health and Style Medical Center if you have achy or swollen feet, feel tingling or pins in your feet, or if you notice any changes in the shape of your feet. Ask a podiatrist about ways to improve blood circulation and reduce pain in the legs and feet, you can also find out some tips here. When buying a shoe Make sure that The sole is not slippery. You can walk around in the store for a while The shoes are suitable and the heel does not slip Trying both soles Buying shoes at night because the feet swell during the day For more tips on choosing the right shoe. Safe home Some home changes may also help in fall prevention at home Wipe up spilled liquids on the floor immediately Remove excess wires and worn carpets Use durable non-slip rugs Ensure that all rooms, corridors and staircases are well lit Do not walk on slippery floors with socks Avoid wearing loose clothing as it may cause you to stumble Wear well-fitting shoes, in good condition and that support the ankle Add grab bars in the bathroom Exercising Regular strength and balance exercises help improve your strength and balance and reduce the risk of falls. But you will need to consult your doctor to determine the activities that you can do, and you can ask him about some activities that you can do at home. Eye tests Impaired vision greatly increases the likelihood of falls, so get regular eye exams.

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close up of mom’s hand with scissors trimming her kid’s nails

How to clip your kid’s nails smoothly?

Many kids find clipping their nails too challenging, resulting in behaviors to avoid such as yelling, tantrums, running, and pulling their hands or feet apart.  Clipping a kid’s nails could be a big challenge for many mothers and their kids, but it is an essential step of foot care that must be done periodically and correctly. So, in this blog post, we will show you how to properly clip your kid’s nails. First, know your child’s fears Nail clippers may be frightening. Try purchasing a more appealing one that is more appropriate for kids; select a nail clipper with cartoon characters or shapes that your kid likes. If your kid hates using nail clippers, baby nail scissors or a nail file may be useful. File nails indeed take longer, but your kid may accept it as an alternative. Help your child manage their tension before clipping their nails by applying pressure to the putty or stress ball. Distract your kid by letting them play with a toy before and during nail clipping. You could even let them watch their favorite TV show while you trim their nails. Ask your child to trim their nails; obviously, this may vary depending on your kid’s age. But the kid’s ability to handle the situation might aid to minimize sensitivity to nail clipping. Your kid’s problem may be due to discomfort after cutting their nails, so try not to shorten the nails too much. Sometimes kids hate the sound that nail clippers produce when trimming their nails. Then it will help to let your kid listen to their favorite song while clipping nails or use scissors. It’s time to clip your kid’s nails After you have identified your kid’s fears and figured out how to overcome them, here are a few tips for clipping kids’ nails without causing a major meltdown. Before cutting nails! Choose a place with adequate lighting and plenty of light. Wash your kid’s feet and soak them in a bowl of warm water before clipping their nails, because softer nails are easier and faster to trim. Make nail clipping a fun game. For example, let your kid choose the next nail. Cut nails properly Cut the nails straight Do not cut the sides of the nail and do not make them sharp, because this may cause an ingrown nail. Do not shorten the nails too much because they may blister. If you notice any signs of infection such as pus, redness, swelling, pain, or heat around the nail, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

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Man who has arthritis or rheumatism sitting on sofa and touching his painful knee

Joint pain? Could it be Arthritis?!

Arthritis is an umbrella term for more than 100 conditions, not just one! This is prevalent and causes joint pain and inflammation. Further, it can strike at any age, even in childhood! Fortunately, there are many ways to alleviate pain without using medication. Types of arthritis The most common types are: Rheumatoid arthritis: an autoimmune and inflammatory disease that occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks your body’s cells, resulting in painful swelling in the affected area. Osteoarthritis: the most common type of arthritis often associated with aging or injury. Gout! Can you believe it is one of the painful types of arthritis? It is caused by the accumulation of uric acid in the body. What are the most frequent symptoms? Though there are many different types of arthritis and symptoms vary depending on your condition, you should consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis if you experience any of the following symptoms: Joint pain and stiffness. Inflammation in or around the joints. Difficulty with movement. Redness of the skin over the affected joint. Muscle weakness. Prevention tips Making some lifestyle modifications can help you lower your risk of developing some types of arthritis. These prevention tips include: Maintaining a healthy weight and losing excess weight to reduce stress on joints. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop osteoarthritis of the knee. Excess weight can also increase the severity of the injury. Protect your joints from injury or overuse because they may damage the joint and cause osteoarthritis. Ensure that you wear protective equipment when cycling or at work if you are at risk of falling. Quit Smoking. Smoking increases the risk of developing arthritis and can make the disease worse. Tips to control arthritis The following tips will help relieve many of the symptoms including pain: Take some OTC pain relievers, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Go to physical therapy Lose weight if you are overweight or obese. Engage in physical activities or sports. Does physical activity actually have a positive effect? Indeed, regular physical activity can help relieve pain just as effectively as some over-the-counter medications. You can participate in any of the following sports: walking, cycling, swimming, or water aerobics. Physical activity will also give you several added benefits, such as enhanced physical function and mood, as well as reduced anxiety.

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Female massage with tennis ball to her foot in bedroom to treat the plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis Treatment concept

Plantar fasciitis treatment… What are the options?

Before talking about plantar fasciitis treatment let’s discuss facts, plantar fasciitis, which causes swelling and pain, accounts for around 11% to 15% of common foot disorders! At first, you may think the numbers aren’t that significant, but the pain is, and it generally causes stabbing pain! Fortunately, several treatment options are effective in relieving pain and allowing you to return to your daily activities. Find out more info about Plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis Treatment There are several therapy alternatives available, but combining many options is more beneficial than using just one. Home remedies There are various ways you may do at home that are helpful and can help relieve the symptoms. These techniques include: Ball/ice bottle Put a ball or round iced bottle under your foot and roll it up from heel to toe. It helps reduce local inflammation and massage the plantar fascia. Be careful not to put ice for a long time or directly on the skin to avoid getting an ice burn! Calf muscle tightening It helps in preventing recurrence. To do this exercise Stand on a thick book and then do the stretching exercise Stand with your toes straight while you are barefoot Make sure your knees are straight, you can use a smaller book if you can’t stand straight and then slowly increase the height of the book as you become more flexible Continue to stretch for 2-5 minutes It is necessary to do these exercises twice a day. Shoes Make sure you’re wearing supportive shoes that are appropriate for the activity you’re doing. Choose shoes with short heels to help relieve symptoms. Remember that non-supportive or flat shoes are not appropriate during the treatment. For more tips on how to choose footwear. The medical treatment The treatment plan that your doctor has prescribed for you may include some other treatment methods such as Corticosteroid injections that have a strong effect in reducing heel pain. Anti-inflammatory drugs. It is critical to follow your doctor’s treatment plan or your symptoms will probably worsen. Also, if you are overweight, losing some weight may assist alleviate stress on the plantar fascia. Your doctor may recommend physical therapy if your symptoms are slowly improving!

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Young nurse standing with female patient at home. Standing all day jobs concept.

Can standing all day cause foot problems?

Are you a doctor, nurse, hairdresser, or salesman? If you answered yes, you might believe that your job protects you against obesity, the century’s curse that is linked to the main causes of mortality worldwide! It could be true because sitting jobs are blamed for increasing the risks of obesity and many diseases, but standing, or in other words, “your profession,” lowers your risks. But nothing is flawless! Standing all day results in sore feet and considerable agony at the end of your shift. Does standing all day cause any problems? In fact, standing all day can lead to many foot problems, such as: Morton’s neuroma, which usually affects the area between the third and fourth toes. It causes swelling and pain. Whereas, if the pain is severe, it may cause tingling, numbness, and burning in the toes. Plantar fasciitis, which causes severe pain in the heel of the foot, especially upon standing after rest, and is common among people who work in jobs that require walking or standing for long periods. Fatigue, fatigue, and pain in many areas of the body that can occur as a result of standing for long periods without moving, even for brief intervals of up to 30 minutes. Is there a cure? Treatment depends on the cause of the problem; you will need to see a doctor for the right treatment for your condition, which can range from using cold packs to surgery in certain circumstances, but in most cases, you will need to rest. Tips to reduce the problems of standing for long periods Move whenever you can. Also, keep in mind that wearing ill-fitting shoes may cause many foot problems. So proper fitting shoes are essential for providing your feet with the care they need while preventing injury. How do you choose the right shoe? It is important to have the right size of shoes, you should make sure to measure your feet every time because sizes can vary even in adulthood. The podiatrist at Health and Style Medical Center may recommend insoles or orthotics to help with your foot problem. Try to avoid wearing open shoes for long periods. They are not supportive and provide little protection for your feet. Make sure that the shoes fit the shape of your feet. You can find more shoe-selecting tips here. So, when do you consult a doctor? You should see a doctor if: The discomfort is persistent and does not go away after a few weeks of rest or taking painkillers. There is significant swelling, inflammation, or stiffness in the foot or heel. Pain that impairs your ability to walk or move.

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Close up of woman legs shoes new sneakers, trying new shoe before buying a shoe concept

Buying shoes? Here is your checklist

Are you considering purchasing new shoes? That should be awesome, but wait 5 minutes only! Do you know that ill-fitting shoes can cause many foot problems such as pain, deformities of the feet, and even falls?! Unfortunately, it’s true. So, buying shoes should no longer be dependent just on fashion, but there are other factors to consider before making a decision and purchasing a new shoe. You will find a great solution in this blog post. Checklist before buying shoes You should ensure that the shoes meet these standards before purchasing them. The heel is less than 2.5 cm. The shoe has laces and stays firmly on your foot. There is about 1 cm between your longest toe and the shoe when you stand. The shoes have a well-cushioned sole. Made from a breathable material. Protects your feet from injury & keeps your feet safe from harm. It has the same shape as your foot. The heel provides the required protection. Don’t forget to check through the previous conditions and make sure that all of them are fulfilled in the new shoes, because if they aren’t, the shoes won’t provide the necessary protection and support for your feet. But why all this long list? Because choosing proper fitting shoe aid in the maintenance of its health & minimizing foot discomfort. Each criterion has a purpose, for example High-heeled shoes may cause sores and calluses due to increased pressure on the ball of the foot. The higher the heel, the greater the stress and damage. If the shoe does not provide the necessary support for your feet, your toes will twist to stabilize it. This can cause the upper part of the shoe to rub against your toes. This can cause corns and calluses and affect the muscles in the feet. Friction between your toes and the end of the shoe can cause toe damage and toenail pain. Shoes with a cushioned, supportive sole absorb any shock and reduce pressure under the feet. The material from which the shoe is made is very important, for example, those that do not allow the passage of air may cause fungal infections. Protecting the feet from entering foreign bodies that can hurt the feet is the main function of shoes. It is necessary for diabetics to wear closed shoes. You can consult a podiatrist at a Health and Style Medical Center to see if you are wearing the right shoes for you and to discuss more information if necessary.

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The Abu Dhabi Podiatry heel pain Clinic  at Health and style Medical Center renders services to frequent patients per year. In Abu Dhabi Podiatry Clinic Diabetic foot care and general preventative care services are emphasized in the clinic while special procedures including nail and skin reconstruction are also available.

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