Alaa Hamdy

Author name: Alaa Hamdy

Woman in White Sweater Holding White Ceramic Mug. Cold feet in socks.

Are you experiencing Cold feet?

Do you feel cold? Do you have the feeling of walking barefoot in the snow? Cold hands and feet are a frequent problem, but should you seek medical attention? Let’s find out. What are the reasons? There are many reasons that cause cold feet. The most common cause is poor blood flow to your legs and feet. If you suffer from frequent cold feet. Cold extremities may also be a sign of more serious problems such as peripheral artery disease, rheumatic diseases, hypothyroidism, or Raynaud’s phenomenon. Raynaud’s disease is a common condition that causes the blood vessels in the fingers and toes to become excessively narrow. Therefore, you will need to visit a doctor at Health and Style Medical Center to accurately determine the true cause and conduct the necessary tests. But why? You may notice that your feet and hands are the first to get cold while your chest and torso are still warm. Because your feet are farthest from your heart, blood takes longer to reach the ends of your body. For example, your hands and feet may take longer to warm up. Will I get cold feet? It can affect anyone, but they are more common in people who have one of the following: Are there other symptoms? Symptoms can include: What is the treatment for cold feet? There are many ways to treat cold feet. Of course, the first step will be to treat any medical conditions that cause this case as a symptom. The following steps will also help you relieve the feeling of cold: Be careful Avoid heating your feet using hot water or heating pads, as they may cause severe burns because you may need a longer time to feel the heat. A safe alternative is to wear thick socks, such as wool socks, to warm the feet.

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A Baby walker! Should I purchase it?

Your baby’s first steps are so essential and have such an emotional impact on parents that many consider purchasing a walker for their children to help them take their first steps and to watch their children play around them every day. Is the baby walker, however, genuinely safe? I am sorry to tell you that it is not safe! It is directly related to many musculoskeletal and joint problems and many accidents such as falls from stairs, head injuries, burns and fractures. It can also cause a delay in the development of the child. Finally, even its primary function is not being performed correctly because it causes a child to walk on their toes which may continue when children walk without it. All this encouraged some countries to ban them permanently. Most popular baby walker myths First: The baby walker is a safe place to put my baby for a few minutes! The truth is that putting a baby in a baby walker is very risky. The baby in the baby walker needs great attention and supervision; They allow children to move very quickly and reach a height where they can reach dangerous items such as knives or hot drinks. Second: Using a baby walker will help my child learn to walk. The fact is that there are strong links between the amount of baby walker use and the extent of developmental delays. Third: It will help your child’s development. The truth is that it causes your child’s growth retardation! Children who used a walker sat, crawled, and walked later than those who did not. Fourth: It will strengthen my child’s legs. In fact, a walker can lead to long-term changes in a child’s walking pattern and can cause hip problems in the long run. The baby walker also teaches children to run on the ground using their toes and this strengthens the wrong muscles in the legs. This can have a significant impact on balance and overall muscle and joint development, including long-term foot and ankle problems. Encourage your child to play without it Give time for your infant to grow strong muscles. Babies walk when they are ready, which is generally between the ages of 9 and 18 months. Keep in mind that using a baby walker wastes your child’s time and diverts him from things that will help him walk. So: Let your child play on his tummy on the floor. The time it takes for your baby to play on his tummy is the basic building block for all motor skills and a lack of this time can affect him greatly. Encourage him to turn around and sit down. Motivating him to crawl and push himself to stand. If you have wooden floors, lay a large, non-slip rug or rug on the floor so your child can grab onto each other. These activities will help your child to: Learn about his body Explore around Progress in walking What if? However, if you are considering purchasing a baby walker: Limit use to 10 minutes per day Watch your child closely at all times Make sure the walker is low enough that your baby can put both feet completely flat on the ground. If only his toes are touching the ground, wait until your baby is a little older.

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Young active athlete in black tracksuit stretching his right arm and leg while exercising on outdoor sportsground

Want to exercise after injury?

If you exercise, you may have had an injury or two before. Injuries are the dark side of exercising! After an injury, some people may quit exercising, while others rethink and start exercising right after recovery. However, the most difficult issue is safely returning to exercise. And, yes, exercising after injury requires certain precautions? 4 Tips for returning to exercise after injury 1.     Consult your doctor first When you are injured, you should see a doctor to get the proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Bear in mind that each injury is unique and the treatment varies according to the needs of the body and the activities you participate in. Schedule an appointment at Health and Style Medical Center now to get help from the specialist doctor and return to get back into your activities again. 2.     Don’t rush back quickly It takes time to recover to your pre-injury fitness level. For example, if you are away from sports for a week due to a foot injury, plan to take two weeks to return to where you were before the injury. Because the healing time can affect your level more than the injury. As a result, not only do you lose strength, coordination, and flexibility at the site of the injury, but you also lose fitness. This all makes it common to recover from an injury and then get injured in a different location! For example, injury to the right knee increases the weight and load on the left side, which exposes you to another injury! 3.     Start with small goals The journey of 1000 miles begins with one step. Gradually return to exercise after injury, start with easy and simple stretching and strength exercises. Assure that you are able to do your daily activities and tasks before you start exercising. Certainly, if your knee hurts when washing dishes or climbing stairs, it will hurt if you go four miles. Before loading the joint, be sure there is no discomfort and that you have a complete range of motion. 4.     Don’t ignore the pain Pain means to many of us that we are getting better and better. Some of us even enjoy the physical and mental challenges of feeling uncomfortable when exercising, but after an injury is not the time to overcome the pain. When the movement becomes easier and the pain decreases, you can start stretching and strengthening exercises. But make sure you don’t try to do too many tasks too quickly as this may delay recovery. Start by doing a few simple repetitions of exercises before gradually increasing the amount you do.

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Man hands giving foot massage to relieve pain due to ill-fitting shoe. ill-fitting shoe problems concept

Ill-fitting shoe problems! Is it serious?

Wearing appropriate footwear regardless of their fashion preferences is one of the most common problems that confront many patients. But don’t worry, doing so will not deprive you of the chance to wear high heels to the special events. Ill-fitting shoe problems can cause many problems! Prevention is better than cure, it is important to choose suitable shoes. Fortunately, changing your shoes can lead to improvements in the overall health of your feet. What are the ill-fitting shoe problems? Do you suffer from pain in your feet? The shoe may be the problem, not your foot! For example: The shoe may cause a feeling of pressure and constant pain if it is too tight, too loose, or does not provide enough support for your feet. Your physical activity can put stress on your feet, ankles, lower legs, and other joints. It may significantly limit your activity due to sports injuries such as Achilles tendon, ingrown nails, or lower back problems. The incidence of the infection increases if your shoes are not designed for your activity or working conditions. Wearing the wrong shoes can exacerbate existing foot problems like pain or arthritis in the hips, knees, ankles, or feet. Wearing the wrong shoes for a short time can cause stress and pain to your bones and joints. Your shoes can have a big impact on the way you walk. Remember that some types of shoes, including high heels and slippers, are not suitable for different activities. So, the right shoe can help prevent, reduce or eliminate foot pain. The lack of pain has a huge impact on how easy you are to move, so find the right shoes and be active! You can read this article for tips on how to choose the right shoe to help you avoid ill-fitting shoe problems and keep your feet healthy.

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Woman sitting on the bed massages her foot, close-up. Tingling in feet problem

Tingling in feet! What’re the causes?

Most people suffer from tingling in hands or feet from time to time, although the first thing that comes to their mind could be diabetes, surprisingly, many reasons that may cause Tingling in feet and neuropathy! What are the causes of Tingling in feet? True, there are simple and transient causes, such as a person sleeping or sitting in an odd position, which may press on the nerve and cause a tingling sensation in the feet or hands. You may get numb feet as easy as that, but if only the reasons were all that simple. The severity of the causes that causes numbness in the feet and neuropathy varies, and the various causes include the following: 1.     Pinched nerve A person may suffer from Tingling in feet or hands due to pressure applied on one of the nerves in the back, which can occur as a result of injury or swelling. Symptoms include pain and limited movement. 2.    Alcohol Alcohol is toxic and can damage nerve tissue. Too much alcohol can lead to a type of neuropathy, causing pain and tingling in the extremities. Be careful, according to a study alcoholic neuropathy affects 25% to 66% of long-term alcoholics! The primary goal of therapy is to reduce or quit alcohol consumption. 3.     Anxiety People with anxiety may experience hyperventilation, causing Tingling in feet. A common symptom of anxiety is hyperventilation, which causes an imbalance in the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen, and eventually a tingling sensation in the feet. Anxiety treatments include: Cognitive behavioral therapy Anti-anxiety medication Relaxing activities such as yoga and meditation 4.     Pregnancy Pregnant women get Tingling in feet often because the uterus may put pressure on the nerves while the baby is growing. Keeping the position changed and resting while elevating the feet can help relieve the sensation. 5.     Vitamins deficiency There are vitamins essential for nerve function such as E, B-1, B-6, or B-12, therefore deficiency may cause tingling in the hands or feet. Vitamin deficiencies can be treated with a healthier diet or by taking nutritional supplements. You can order your vitamins from Althiqa pharmacy. 6.     Diabetes Diabetes causes high blood sugar and may result in nerve damage. This condition is called diabetic neuropathy. Treatments include controlling your blood sugar by taking medications, making dietary changes, and exercising. 7.     Stroke Tingling in feet or hands may be a sign of a stroke. Symptoms appear suddenly and may include: Numbness or weakness in the face, arm or leg, especially on one side Trouble speaking, understanding or walking Blurred vision Dizziness Loss of balance If you notice one or more of these symptoms, you should contact the emergency department immediately. Should I consult a doctor? As you have noticed, the causes vary, so you should consult a doctor at Health and Style Medical Center if you feel constant Tingling in feet or hands. Also, do not forget to tell the doctor about any symptoms you feel, so that he can diagnose the true cause and recommend the appropriate treatment.

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Woman’s feet walking on a log. Healthy feet concept.

Tips and checklist for healthy feet

Do your feet hurt or feel tired and can’t move? If yes, then it must be difficult for you to stay active and do your daily activities. You are not alone! Many people suffer from foot problems, though some simple habits can help you keep healthy feet and do what you enjoy without too much trouble. Your checklist Have you consulted a podiatrist to examine your feet within 12 months? If your answer is no, the first recommendation for maintaining healthy feet is to see a podiatrist once a year to keep your feet in good shape! Do you suffer from ingrown toenails or pain in the feet and ankles? If your answer is “yes”, you should consult a podiatrist, especially as it may change the way you walk and increase the risk of falling! So, immediately go to Health and Style Medical Center and consult a podiatrist when any signs of a problem appear in the feet to avoid exacerbating the problem. Tips to maintain healthy feet! Foot care is not just about visiting the doctor every once in a while, to treat them! You have to pay attention to some details and adopt some daily habits to maintain healthy feet. for example: Make sure you take care of your feet by providing daily foot care. Check your feet daily for dry, cracked skin, blisters, sores, or discolorations. Exercise, as exercising helps maintain the mobility of your joints, strengthen your toes, and improve the condition of your feet. You can ask your podiatrist about additional foot exercises. Maintain a healthy weight. Losing weight can be difficult if you are overweight, but it will help relieve the pressure on your feet. You can do swimming or other sports that do not require weight-bearing, especially if it is difficult to exercise because of the pain in the feet. Ensure you choose the right shoes for your feet. Approximately 63 to 72% of people wear ill-fitting shoes. Which is associated with pain and some foot disorders such as deformity of the toes and calluses. If you are a diabetic, you need to take extra care and attention to your feet and you can learn about diabetic foot care tips here.

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Close-up image of a woman's hand tying the laces on her sneakers while jogging. Sports and Recreation.

What causes exercise injuries?

Did you start considering playing sports and following a healthy lifestyle but are afraid of injuries? The key to avoiding exercise injuries is to know the causes of injuries and try to avoid them through good planning, but do not stop exercising regularly because they are beneficial for your body and are mostly safe. What causes exercise injuries? Knowing the reason is always the first step to avoiding exercise injuries. The following are some of the most prevalent causes of sports-related injuries: Exercising before warming up Repeating the same movement over and over again Doing exercises that are not appropriate for you Not resting between exercises Not using the right equipment Common causes of excessive exercise injuries Exercising too much may cause some injuries as well. Common exercise injuries are tendonitis or stress fractures. An overtraining injury usually results from: Training errors. Exercising for an extended period, or doing too much of one type of activity can strain your muscles and lead to an overuse injury. Technical errors. You may overload certain muscles and cause overuse injury from doing some exercises incorrectly. Not warming up or cooling down Warming up before exercise gets your blood flowing, warming your muscles and avoiding injury. The easiest way to warm up is to exercise slowly for the first few minutes and then increase the speed. For example, you can walk for 5 to 10 minutes before running. You should also cool off after exercising or stretching for 5 to 10 minutes to bring your heart rate and body temperature back to normal. How do you avoid exercise injuries? First, before you exercise for the first time, check with your doctor, especially if you have a chronic disease, to make sure you’re healthy enough to exercise and ask about the types of exercise that might be best for you. If you are new to exercise, it is best to start with simple sports such as: Walking swimming stationary cycling golf You’re less likely to get injured from previous sports than from high-intensity activities such as running or aerobics, or contact sports such as soccer or basketball. Don’t ignore the signals your body sends Always remember that you should never feel pain when exercising. So, if you feel pain, stop exercising immediately. Feeling tired and achy all the time could be a sign that you’re over-exercising. Avoid increasing all three of these items at the same time: The number of days you do sports Exercise duration The intensity of the exercises you do When do you consult a doctor? You will need to consult a doctor at Health and Style Medical Center if you have muscle or joint pain that does not go away despite your care.

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Doctor performing shockwave therapy procedure in clinic

Shockwave therapy! What is it?

Have you heard about Shockwave Therapy before or is this the first time? Do you know what to use? Is it a safe method? Want to know the answers to these questions? We will get to know the answers to these questions together. What is Shockwave Therapy? Doctors resort to this treatment when symptoms persist for at least 3-6 months and other treatment methods, such as physical therapy, ice therapy and orthotics, have failed. It is safer than surgical procedures and injections, helps heal wounds, relieves pain and treats a wide range of chronic tendon diseases and problems, such as: Plantar fasciitis (heel pain) Patellar tendinitis Achilles tendinopathy Great rotator pain syndrome (lateral hip pain) Facts you should know The session takes approximately 30 minutes. You will often need 3 treatment sessions, one each week, but if you do not get the required results, the number of sessions may be increased to 6. You can resume your usual daily activities following the session, but avoid violent activities for up to 48 hours after treatment, even if you do not experience pain in the injured region. If you have used corticosteroid injections, you will need to wait six weeks before starting shockwave therapy. The success rate of this method is up to 70%, and it has not shown any long-term complications so far. Is it safe? Shockwave therapy is very safe and has minimal side effects, for example, it may cause pain and skin redness! You can then use over-the-counter pain relievers, but do not apply ice to the treated area and do not take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Although it is a safe method, it should never be used in the following cases: If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant For those under 18 years old For heart patients or when using a pacemaker The presence of a tumor or infection at the treatment site Acute inflammation in the treatment area When taking some antibiotics You should consult a specialist doctor because he is always best able to determine if shockwave therapy is the most appropriate choice for you or not.

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Barefoot young pregnant woman sitting on chair with feet up and hands on stomach. Feet swelling during pregnancy concept.

Tips for reducing swollen feet during pregnancy

Did your shoe size change during pregnancy? Do you suffer from pain and swelling of the feet during pregnancy? Is swollen feet during pregnancy common for all of these changes to happen? And the most important question is how to overcome this problem? To begin, we must acknowledge that pregnancy is a challenging experience in which many physiological changes occur, and women confront several health issues that must be addressed to protect their health and the health of the fetus.  One of the most common problems is swollen feet during pregnancy. Swollen feet during pregnancy! We must first understand the reasons behind this problem before we can assess whether or not it is preventable. Is it normal? Yes, it is normal for a pregnant woman to have some swelling during pregnancy, especially in the legs, ankles, feet, and toes. Swelling occurs because there is more water than usual in the body. Excess water tends to collect throughout the day in the lower extremities, especially if the weather is hot or you have been standing for long periods. The pressure of the growing uterus can also affect blood flow in the legs, causing fluid to build up in your legs, ankles, and feet. It is often worse at the end of the day and in the last months of pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia It is true that swelling that occurs gradually is not usually harmful, but it can be annoying. In contrast to the sudden swelling that may be a sign of preeclampsia! At that time, you should monitor the situation and consult a doctor as soon as possible. Tips to reduce swollen feet during pregnancy Try these simple steps to help reduce swelling: Avoid standing for long periods. Raise your feet as much as possible when sitting and avoid crossing your feet. Stretch a lot after sitting for long periods. Lie on your left side when sleeping. Drink plenty of water. This advice may sound strange, but if your body feels dehydrated, it will try to retain more fluids. Wear comfortable shoes and socks and avoid tight clothing or anything that may put pressure on your feet. Exercise regularly. Try to walk regularly during the day or do simple foot exercises such as: Bend the feet and extend them up and down 30 times. Rotate each foot in a circle 8 times in one direction and 8 times in the other.

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Horizontal back view shot of unrecognizable women wearing elegant formal clothes strolling down street somewhere in modern city. Active lifestyle. Avoid sitting to much

How to maintain an Active Lifestyle?

We previously talked about the consequences of prolonged sitting and how much of our daily activities have become linked and centered around sitting. So, we should know what we should do to avoid sitting for long periods while performing our tasks and hobbies. Even if you don’t do enough activity in your day, it’s never too late to change things up, enjoy the many health benefits, and live an active lifestyle. Tips for an active life Changes in your daily tasks Fortunately, by making a few simple changes you can stay active, live a more active lifestyle, and avoid sitting for long periods, such as: Leave the car and walk or ride a bike, but if this is a long trip, you can walk or ride a bike for part of the way. Use the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator, or go up the escalator. Get off the bus stop early and walk the rest of the way. Park the car away from where you want to go and walk the rest of the way. Calculate how long it takes you to walk one kilometer; you may discover that it is less time than waiting for public transit. Staying active at work Can you believe that you can keep active lifestyle during long working hours?! Yes, you can by: Taking the stairs rather than the elevator. Talking to your coworkers instead of emailing them, when possible. Taking your lunch break away from the workplace and, if possible, going for a short walk outside. Organizing walking meetings, if possible. Maintaining a standing position while reading emails or reports. Moving the trash so that you have to get up to throw it away. Using the speakers for Internet conference calls and meetings while roaming the room. Stay active at home Here are some simple ideas to get you moving while you’re at home: Set the TV timer to turn off an hour earlier than usual to remind you to get up and move around. Move around when you’re talking on the phone. Iron clothes while watching your favorite TV shows. Listen to recorded books while walking, cleaning or working in the garden instead of sitting to read. Be active everywhere It is tough to work out outside in the summer due to the blistering heat. Keep your active lifestyle but stay healthy; make your choice and don’t allow terrible weather to keep you from exercising! You can engage in activities such as: Dance Yoga Indoor rock climbing Your health comes first If you decide to maintain an active lifestyle  and engage in physical activity for the first time or if you have a health condition, talk to your doctor first before taking this step. He or she can help you decide which activities are best for you. You can also consult a podiatrist at Health and style medical center to check your foot health. But don’t forget to protect yourself from the sun by applying sunscreen and wearing sunscreen, if you are active outdoors.

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About us

The Abu Dhabi Podiatry heel pain Clinic  at Health and style Medical Center renders services to frequent patients per year. In Abu Dhabi Podiatry Clinic Diabetic foot care and general preventative care services are emphasized in the clinic while special procedures including nail and skin reconstruction are also available.

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