February 2022

February 2022

Close up on Woman feet on scale to measure her weight. Obesity and foot problems concept

Can obesity cause foot problems?!

Our feet do a lot of tasks in our daily lives such as supporting our bodies and carrying our body weight. Therefore, being overweight or obese causes pain in the feet, because it means increased load and pressure on the joints! So, yes, obesity cause foot problems! Given that the prevalence of obesity is increasing all over the world, resulting in an increased incidence of foot problems, increased joint pain, and damages from being overweight in recent years. Does weight cause foot problems? Indeed, studies have proven that the higher the weight of the individual, the greater the pressure on his feet and the greater the chance of getting foot problems. Obesity and foot problems Being overweight or obese may cause a lot of foot problems, for example: Feet pain due to increased pressure on the joints People who are overweight are more likely to develop flat feet. Obesity and overweight increase the risk of nerve damage and diabetic foot in people with diabetes, and increase the risk of diabetes itself! Obesity and being overweight are among the factors that increase the incidence of gout. Overweight increases your risk of developing plantar fasciitis. Although the causes of osteoarthritis are unknown, obesity increases the risk of it due to the extra pressure it places on your joints, especially the knees. Overweight and obesity? Being overweight or obese occurs as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle that results in an abnormal or excessive buildup of fat. BMI is a cheap technique to determine a person’s weight category, whether they are underweight, healthy weight, overweight, or obese. You can calculate it yourself by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms by his height in meters squared. If a person’s BMI is more than 25, he or she is considered overweight. Weight loss tips Do not miss breakfast Eat foods rich in fiber and increase fruits and vegetables. Keep healthy food on hand. For example, keep a bowl of fruit on the counter and prepackaged vegetables in the fridge. So, when you feel hungry, you will have a healthy snack. Reduce your temptations If you can’t control yourself in front of sweets, don’t keep stocks at home. Be more active and exercise. In addition to its role in overall health, it helps in weight loss or maintenance. Always avoid eating all of the dishes directly from the bowl or bag because it causes overeating.

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Full length shot of healthy young man wearing yellow sweat shirt running on the promenade in the morning.

Why Running could be the best option?

Regular physical activity, at least once or twice a week, lowers the risk of developing heart disease or stroke. You are aware of this fact but confused about which exercise to start with. What about a simple and cost-free exercise? Then running is the answer. Why running is the best option to start with? Running is free to do anywhere and helps burn more calories than any other regular exercise. Regular running reduces the risk of long-term diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke. It can improve your mood Helps you maintain a healthy weight No special equipment is required Planning first Here you have decided to run to stay active, but first, you have to plan well and know what you need about each step for each step, for example Before you start Consult your doctor if you feel that you are not in good shape, recovering from a recent injury, or have any medical conditions to make sure that your activity and intensity are fit with your fitness and health. You will also need to pay attention to new details such as: Choosing a good pair of shoes that fit your feet to provide comfort for your feet. Paying attention to the distance you are running with this shoe and purchase a new one every 482 to 644 km because the shoe structure weakens over time Planning your running route and the time you will run. For women, they should consider using a sports bra because it is sturdier than a regular bra and provides additional support. It’s time to run It is important to rest, start with small distances, run slowly, and gradually increase the speed and distance during several walks to help you avoid injury and enjoy the experience. You also have to: Warm up for at least 5 minutes before each run, including brisk walking, knee lifts, and climbing stairs. Beginning to walk for a while makes you feel comfortable. The first time you try to alternate between running and walking, then the next time, make the running periods longer. Rest a few minutes after you finish and do some stretching. Make sure to run regularly at least twice a week for beginners to help your body adapt. Regularity is important and it is better to run 2 days a week than to run 6 times a week and then stop running for 3 weeks. Tips will help you run and get regular Setting a goal that suits your physical fitness and health condition motivates you to keep going. Write down the goals you achieved each day such as distance, time, and how you feel after completion, and read them when you feel the need to back out. Run with family or a friend to keep yourself motivated. Make running more enjoyable by changing your running route, time, and distance regularly.

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Woman suffering from dry and cracked heels and using foot file to on a white background

9 Tips to treat dry and cracked heels

Dry, cracked heels are caused by a lack of skin moisture, which can be worsened by wearing open-back shoes such as sandals. Dry and cracked heels should not be ignored because they can cause pain if left unattended and can cause deeper cracks over time, increasing the risk of infection. Causes of dry heels First and before knowing the ways to care for the heels and treat their dryness, we must know the causes of dry heels, which include: Dry or cold air Hot and dry air Air conditioners that cool the air but remove moisture Taking long, hot showers or taking a lot of showers frequently Washing the heels frequently Some types of soaps and detergents Certain skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema Getting older because the skin becomes thinner and produces less natural oil Tips to treat and prevent dry heels Treatment begins with paying more attention to your feet to include Moisturize the feet at least twice daily. It is best to use a moisturizer after showering because it helps lock in moisture in the skin. Use emollients such as Eucerin or Cetaphil Putting moisturizers that contain substances that help remove dead skin and soften the skin, such as urea, salicylic acid, or alpha hydroxy acid. But use it with caution as it may cause skin irritation. Use a foot file once or twice a week to remove hard skin. Wear socks and closed shoes from the back, even in hot weather, if you notice dry skin or cracks in the skin. Avoid using products that contain alcohol, perfumes, dyes, or other chemicals. Take a short shower with warm water. Drink plenty of water. Continue to apply the cream daily even after the skin has recovered to prevent its recurrence. Night care routine Give your heels more attention before going to bed by following these steps: Soak your feet for 10 minutes in plain, soapy water. Gently rub your heels with a loofah or foot scrubber to help remove dead skin. Apply a thick cream containing Vaseline, Aquaphor…etc. Wear a pair of thin cotton socks at bedtime to help moisturizer work more effectively.

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Arabian bearded man Exercising at Home and doing stretching in living room interior, on floor, looking at laptop with bottle of water on floor.

Exercising at home… The tips or tricks

Exercising regularly will help you maintain your health, fitness, and a healthy weight, as well as lower your risk of certain diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, but with the increase in the number of people infected with corona, going to the gym has become a difficult or almost impossible decision. As a result, exercising at home is your final and best choice, which, thankfully, does not need any particular equipment. Tricks to exercise at home Use household items such as full water bottles for strength training if you do not have weights at home. Walk or run up and downstairs while maintaining social distancing. Take advantage of the time watching TV and do some exercise such as jumping during commercials, moving along with your favorite character in the movie, or even walking or running in the place. Dance to your favorite music and move with different beats. You only need eight songs to exercise for 30 minutes, so make sure you pick your best music to improve your mood and spirit. Allocate time for family games such as hide-and-seek and jump together, as it is a suitable way to activate all family members and strengthen family bonds. Sweep and clean the house and other household chores and count them as your physical activity. Stick to the basics Exercising at home is not much different from exercising in gyms, for example, you will need to Warm up properly before starting to prevent injury and to make the exercises more effective. The warm-up routine takes approximately 6 minutes. Stretching and calming exercises after exercise to relax, improve flexibility, and slow the heart rate. It usually takes about 5 minutes. Drink fluids when doing any activity. How much exercise do you need? The time required varies depending on the state of your health, but you should aim to exercise 150 minutes every week. You can spread your activity throughout the week, for example, 30 minutes for 5 days a week would be ideal. You can also split them up over the same day.

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About us

The Abu Dhabi Podiatry heel pain Clinic  at Health and style Medical Center renders services to frequent patients per year. In Abu Dhabi Podiatry Clinic Diabetic foot care and general preventative care services are emphasized in the clinic while special procedures including nail and skin reconstruction are also available.

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