December 2021

December 2021

A podiatrist (feet doctor) wearing a green scrub and treating a foot ulcer on the patient's leg in a clinic room

Foot ulcer! What you need to know

Foot ulcers may take several weeks or months to heal and can occur for simple reasons such as walking barefoot, poor foot hygiene, or severe dry skin, but the ulcer can deteriorate and become infected and in rare cases can lead to gangrene or amputation! Foot ulcer symptoms Symptoms often include leg swelling, burning, or itching, as well as a rash, redness, brown discoloration, or dry, scaly skin. Foot ulcer treatment Before the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment for you, he will need to do a complete examination, including asking about your medical history, examining the blood circulation and nerve supply to your feet, and according to the condition of the ulcer, the duration of your infection, and its cause. The doctor may remove hard skin or dead tissue to help heal the ulcer, know its size, reduce pressure on the ulcer, and can also rid you of any infection. Then he will cover the sore with an appropriate bandage. Also, antibiotics will be prescribed in case of infection based on the severity of the infection. Ulcer care at home Keeping the wound clean and dry Change the bandage according to the doctor’s instructions Drink plenty of fluids Eat a healthy diet Wearing the right shoes Advice for the patients Gently wash your legs and feet every day with mild soap and lukewarm water. Dry your skin and feet, especially between the toes. Check your legs, the top and bottom of your feet, and between your toes for blisters daily. Apply a moisturizing cream to prevent the skin from drying out and cracking, but avoid applying it between your toes or on areas. Trim your nails regularly. Keep your feet comfortable and healthy. People with diabetes should visit the doctor periodically and control their blood glucose levels. Quit Smoking. Keep foot bandages dry. Visit the podiatrist when there is any problem. Avoid staying in the same pose for a long time. Complete your antibiotic course. Consult your doctor before stopping any medication. Prevention Taking the following steps can help prevent the condition from getting worse: Quitting Smoking Controlling blood pressure Maintaining blood cholesterol and triglyceride in healthy levels Reducing the amount of salt in your diet Maintaining a normal level of the blood glucose Playing sports Losing weight if you are overweight You can also learn more about foot care tips from here.

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Sporty male suffering from muscle ache in calf while running and playing sports and holding his injured leg sports injuries concept

Sports injuries… treatment & prevention tips

There is no doubt that exercising is useful and helps us get healthy, but nothing is perfect! And sports injuries are the dark side. However, most sports injuries are preventable and they usually occur due to excessive exercise or the application of more force than the body can handle. Knowing the causes and home remedies tips can make a big difference, so let’s take a quick look at it: Causes of sports injuries Sports injuries can occur for various reasons such as: an accident such as a fall Not warming up properly before exercise Using inappropriate equipment Exercising a lot Improper training or play Wearing poorly fitting shoes Most common sports injuries Despite that, any part of the body can be affected, but the ankles and knees are more susceptible. The most common injuries include: Ankle sprain Ankle strain Knee Injuries Achilles tendon Bone fractures Treatment If you are injured or experience pain when exercising, stop immediately since continuing to play or exercise will result in more damage. Then follow the RICE method which will help prevent further damage: Rest Avoid using the affected area for 2-3 days. Apply ice to the affected area for 20 minutes every two hours for the first 2-3 days. Compression bandage over the area that hurts. Elevate the affected area above the level of the heart at all times and as much as you can. Also, consult a doctor as soon as possible, and do not expose the injured area to heat. Sometimes you may need to take analgesic medications for pain relief, rehabilitation, and sometimes surgery! Before you begin exercising again, be sure you are completely recovered. Start gradually and avoid overburdening the injured area. Prevention You can reduce your risk of injury by: Warming up properly and for enough time before exercising Stretching after exercise Using the appropriate tools for the sport you practice, for example wearing running shoes for running, and shin guards for football Following the correct techniques Tell us if you’ve ever had a sports injury.

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close up of feet of senior man on the tale to avoid swollen feet at home

Swollen feet know the causes then treat it

Painless swelling of the lower extremities, such as swollen feet, ankle, calves, and thighs, is a common problem, especially among the elderly. It usually occurs as a result of fluid buildup in them. It can also affect both legs, affecting the calf muscles or even the thighs. Common causes of swollen feet Swollen feet often occur due to: Standing or sitting for long periods. This is caused by gravity, which naturally pulls water into your legs and feet. Weak valves in the veins in the legs (venous insufficiency) that make it difficult for blood to return to the heart and lead to fluid buildup in the legs. Having some diseases such as congestive heart failure, lung diseases, liver, kidneys, and thyroid gland. Taking some medications such as medications that some blood pressure medications or birth control pills or antidepressants or stimulants. Pregnancy Because your body retains more fluid during pregnancy, hormonal changes also play a role. Eating a lot of salty foods. Overweight Ankle sprain or strain Insect bite or sting As you have noticed, the reasons range from simple reasons that can be overcome with some changes in your life system to major problems that need to consult a doctor immediately, so you will need to visit the hospital if you have leg swelling with any of the following signs or symptoms: Chest pain Breathing difficulties Shortness of breath with exertion or lying-in bed Fainting or dizziness Coughing up blood or if the swelling It occurred unexpectedly and for no apparent cause Caused by a bodily injury such as a fall, a sports injury, or a motor vehicle accident Occurs in one leg and is painful or accompanied by cold and pale skin Tips Placing a pillow under your legs when lying down may reduce swelling associated with fluid buildup. Walking or doing light exercises to improve blood circulation. Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes Foot care Avoid standing or sitting for long periods If you need to stand or sit for long periods, give yourself frequent breaks and move around unless movement causes pain. Reduce the amount of salt in your diet. Wear elastic compression stockings, but avoid tights around the top. Take medicines prescribed by the doctor and do not stop them without talking to him even if you suspect that they will cause swelling. Consult a pharmacist to prescribe an analgesic for the pain associated with the swelling. Additional tips for pregnant women Sleeping on the left side because this reduces pressure on the veins that return blood to your heart. Wearing compression stockings, but after consulting your physician. Standing or walking in the pool, some researches indicate the role of water pressure in obtaining temporary relief from swelling during pregnancy. Wear loose-fitting clothing because tight clothing can restrict blood flow. Treatment After making certain lifestyle changes, such as reducing weight or eating a low-salt diet, the swelling will often go away on its own. But you may need to see a doctor if the condition does not improve within a few days.

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About us

The Abu Dhabi Podiatry heel pain Clinic  at Health and style Medical Center renders services to frequent patients per year. In Abu Dhabi Podiatry Clinic Diabetic foot care and general preventative care services are emphasized in the clinic while special procedures including nail and skin reconstruction are also available.

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