May 2021

May 2021

foot care, podiatry, podiatrist

Do you need to see a podiatrist?

Your feet deserve special attention, & the podiatrist is the one who can take care of them properly. The podiatrist is a medical professional who specializes in treating abnormal conditions of the feet and lower limbs, as well as helps relieve pain, prevent deformities of the feet & correct them, finally gives the patients tips about how to choose the right footwear. He can also relieve foot pain; treat common foot problems, including: Nail problems such as thickened toenails or ingrown toenails Fractures and sprains Bunion Diabetic foot Plantar fasciitis Athlete’s foot Feet aging Gout & corns Sports injuries of the feet Warts So, when do you see a podiatrist? You can always see a podiatrist even if your feet are in a good condition! Because you may need a treatment session to remove the hard skin or cut your toenails or advice about the shoes you use – you can bring your shoes- or to make sure that you take care of your feet properly. For sure, you should consult a specialist if you suffer from any problem related to the feet, such as the examples mentioned above. The specialist also provides orthopedic devices, which are specially designed to relieve arch or heel pain & to make your shoes more comfortable. Podiatrists can also help with more complex foot problems, including preventing, diagnosing; treating sports and exercise-related injuries. Now you know when to go to a podiatrist, you just need to book your medical visit by calling 026330515 or 0555116072 at the Health & Style Medical Center in Abu Dhabi.

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treating feet injury, compression

8 tips to help you relieve heel pain

8 tips to help you relieve heel pain There are many reasons that can cause heel pain, for example it may be caused by wearing tight shoes or exercising too much, so you should choose your shoes carefully.But if you already suffer from heel pain, here is some tips that can help: Rest & raise your heels. Apply ice packs on your heels for 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours. Wear comfortable & low-heeled shoes with a soft sole. Support your heels & ankles by wrapping a bandage around them. Try stretching exercises regularly. Take over-the-counter pain killers as paracetamol when needed. Avoid walking or standing for long periods. Do not wear high heels or pointed heeled shoes. But you will need to consult a doctor if: The pain is severe or is preventing you from doing normal activities. The pain gets worse. The pain persists for two weeks after following the aforementioned advice. You feel tingling or numbness in your feet. You have diabetes. While you should go to the hospital or emergency department immediately if: You have severe pain. You feel dizzy or faint from the pain. There has been a change in the shape of the ankle or foot. Heard a sound when injured. You cannot walk. Since, these could be signs of heel fracture or broken ankle.

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podiatrist, foot care, podiatry, foot massage

Podiatry! What is it?

Did you know that your feet can tell a lot about your health?! For example, joint stiffness might be a sign of arthritis, but numbness could be a sign of diabetes, while swelling may indicate kidney disease or heart disease. Therefore, you should devote part of your time to taking care of your feet, & don’t neglect the signs that your feet sent to warn you, especially that your feet health can give a clue about your overall health. For that reason, podiatric medicine was invented, a medical branch dedicated to preventing, diagnosing, treating feet & lower limbs problems, it’s also specialized in the rehabilitation of medical & surgical cases, preventing deformity & correcting it too. Podiatry helps in the diagnosis & treatment of sports injuries of the foot. Thus, a podiatrist needs to employ several skills, such as patient counseling, asking the patient about his medical history & performing a physical examination to secure a diagnosis & select the most appropriate treatment plan. Clinical evaluation techniques help in the diagnosis & prediction of disease complications since it takes into consideration the patient’s medical & surgical history, the shoes he uses, his profession & lifestyle. The diagnosis is made using various equipment such as vascular scopes or radiology. While computerized techniques are often used to perform gait analysis, these techniques may include a range of motion studies, postural alignment assessments, or dynamic force & pressure studies. Podiatrists can recommend prescribed foot orthoses that can redistribute pressure; hence they are considered as permanent solutions to treat & prevent corns, callous and necrotic ulceration, & are used in acute & chronic foot conditions such as tendinitis & recurrent ankle sprain to supplement & enhance clinical care. What are you waiting for after knowing the importance of foot care? Visit Health & Style Medical Center to get the necessary care, just book your medical visit by calling 026330515 or 0555116072  

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foot pain, ,am checking his foot

3 common causes of foot pain

3 common causes of foot pain Feet bears your body weight, but many of us neglect them & don’t take care of them. Foot pain can limit your mobility; hence we should not ignore the pain of the feet, especially it may be caused by infections, fractures, sprains, or even nerve damage! 1. Pain in the ball of the foot: The ball of the foot is the padded portion of the sole between the arch & toes. Pain may occur due to nerve or joint damage. Treatment may include: Taking steroid injections. Wearing supportive pads to relieve pain. In some cases, surgery is performed. 2. Plantar Fasciitis: Severe pain in the heel especially when standing after rest characterizes plantar fasciitis, which is more common in women & people who are overweight or suffer from flat feet. Treatment may include: Rest Applying ice packs Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Stretching 3. Achilles tendon injury: The largest tendon in our bodies is Achilles tendon. Achilles tendinitis is a common condition that occurs due to tendon inflammation. Symptoms of the injury may include swelling, mild pain after workout & exercise that gradually get worse & stiffness that disappears after a warm-up of the tendon Treatment may include: Rest & massage Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Supportive devices Stretching Surgery   Although these were the most common causes of foot pain, there are many other causes; hence you should always consult a doctor for proper diagnose & the right treatment for you. Also, you can call us on 026330515 or 0555116072 to book a medical appointment with a podiatrist at Health & Style Medical Center.

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About us

The Abu Dhabi Podiatry heel pain Clinic  at Health and style Medical Center renders services to frequent patients per year. In Abu Dhabi Podiatry Clinic Diabetic foot care and general preventative care services are emphasized in the clinic while special procedures including nail and skin reconstruction are also available.

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