November 2022

November 2022

Man hands giving foot massage to relieve pain due to ill-fitting shoe. ill-fitting shoe problems concept

Ill-fitting shoe problems! Is it serious?

Wearing appropriate footwear regardless of their fashion preferences is one of the most common problems that confront many patients. But don’t worry, doing so will not deprive you of the chance to wear high heels to the special events. Ill-fitting shoe problems can cause many problems! Prevention is better than cure, it is important to choose suitable shoes. Fortunately, changing your shoes can lead to improvements in the overall health of your feet. What are the ill-fitting shoe problems? Do you suffer from pain in your feet? The shoe may be the problem, not your foot! For example: The shoe may cause a feeling of pressure and constant pain if it is too tight, too loose, or does not provide enough support for your feet. Your physical activity can put stress on your feet, ankles, lower legs, and other joints. It may significantly limit your activity due to sports injuries such as Achilles tendon, ingrown nails, or lower back problems. The incidence of the infection increases if your shoes are not designed for your activity or working conditions. Wearing the wrong shoes can exacerbate existing foot problems like pain or arthritis in the hips, knees, ankles, or feet. Wearing the wrong shoes for a short time can cause stress and pain to your bones and joints. Your shoes can have a big impact on the way you walk. Remember that some types of shoes, including high heels and slippers, are not suitable for different activities. So, the right shoe can help prevent, reduce or eliminate foot pain. The lack of pain has a huge impact on how easy you are to move, so find the right shoes and be active! You can read this article for tips on how to choose the right shoe to help you avoid ill-fitting shoe problems and keep your feet healthy.

Ill-fitting shoe problems! Is it serious? Read More »

Woman sitting on the bed massages her foot, close-up. Tingling in feet problem

Tingling in feet! What’re the causes?

Most people suffer from tingling in hands or feet from time to time, although the first thing that comes to their mind could be diabetes, surprisingly, many reasons that may cause Tingling in feet and neuropathy! What are the causes of Tingling in feet? True, there are simple and transient causes, such as a person sleeping or sitting in an odd position, which may press on the nerve and cause a tingling sensation in the feet or hands. You may get numb feet as easy as that, but if only the reasons were all that simple. The severity of the causes that causes numbness in the feet and neuropathy varies, and the various causes include the following: 1.     Pinched nerve A person may suffer from Tingling in feet or hands due to pressure applied on one of the nerves in the back, which can occur as a result of injury or swelling. Symptoms include pain and limited movement. 2.    Alcohol Alcohol is toxic and can damage nerve tissue. Too much alcohol can lead to a type of neuropathy, causing pain and tingling in the extremities. Be careful, according to a study alcoholic neuropathy affects 25% to 66% of long-term alcoholics! The primary goal of therapy is to reduce or quit alcohol consumption. 3.     Anxiety People with anxiety may experience hyperventilation, causing Tingling in feet. A common symptom of anxiety is hyperventilation, which causes an imbalance in the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen, and eventually a tingling sensation in the feet. Anxiety treatments include: Cognitive behavioral therapy Anti-anxiety medication Relaxing activities such as yoga and meditation 4.     Pregnancy Pregnant women get Tingling in feet often because the uterus may put pressure on the nerves while the baby is growing. Keeping the position changed and resting while elevating the feet can help relieve the sensation. 5.     Vitamins deficiency There are vitamins essential for nerve function such as E, B-1, B-6, or B-12, therefore deficiency may cause tingling in the hands or feet. Vitamin deficiencies can be treated with a healthier diet or by taking nutritional supplements. You can order your vitamins from Althiqa pharmacy. 6.     Diabetes Diabetes causes high blood sugar and may result in nerve damage. This condition is called diabetic neuropathy. Treatments include controlling your blood sugar by taking medications, making dietary changes, and exercising. 7.     Stroke Tingling in feet or hands may be a sign of a stroke. Symptoms appear suddenly and may include: Numbness or weakness in the face, arm or leg, especially on one side Trouble speaking, understanding or walking Blurred vision Dizziness Loss of balance If you notice one or more of these symptoms, you should contact the emergency department immediately. Should I consult a doctor? As you have noticed, the causes vary, so you should consult a doctor at Health and Style Medical Center if you feel constant Tingling in feet or hands. Also, do not forget to tell the doctor about any symptoms you feel, so that he can diagnose the true cause and recommend the appropriate treatment.

Tingling in feet! What’re the causes? Read More »

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The Abu Dhabi Podiatry heel pain Clinic  at Health and style Medical Center renders services to frequent patients per year. In Abu Dhabi Podiatry Clinic Diabetic foot care and general preventative care services are emphasized in the clinic while special procedures including nail and skin reconstruction are also available.

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